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Old 01-04-21, 11:31 PM   #1
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Default Modelers and the coming apocalypse.

Sorry for the "grabby" title, but as some modelers in North America know, Testor's brand of paints and glues are going extinct. Like, they've already ceased production and what's left on shelves and web outlets will be the end of the story. Forever.

The post-Testor's world isn't necessarily glum, however.
For glues, there is a good spectrum of options out there from Tamiya's brush-on glues to "boutique" north American brands to Revel's Contacta line all the way to good 'ole Plastruct Plastic Weld (the original old-school styrene solvent).

Paint can be a little more tricky. There are some definite holes in the north American market that need to be filled, namely when looking for FS-standard paints for the military modeler.

You might want to check out:

Their listing of what's available looks good so far, I'm interested in testing out their stuff starting with US modern Hull Red. Please take note that I haven't tried out their stuff yet.

It might be be brilliant, it might not. It will probably come down to quality vs. availability (I don't care how great the paint is, its useless if its on a two year backorder) and how well the company grows.

Still, its better than playing EBay Roulette (search for anything made by Wingnut Wings on EBay and get ready to grab your ankles ) and as far as paying $250 for a 1/4 oz. jar of Testor's Nev-r-dry silver enamel, I don't think so.

So, if you're building kits in north America, what are your plans for a post-Testor's world?
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