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Old 06-02-20, 07:21 AM   #1779
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Originally Posted by John Pancoast View Post
1. Your experience with the Asst. Plotting mod is producting incorrect results. The items you mention should not exist.

2. Your message errors are because of your incorrect mod install of Stiebler's addon.
It cannot be applied by itself; it works in conjunction with H.sie's mod which I don't see in your mod list. Both must be installed for Stiebler's to work. The O2 item you mention is part of H.sie's mod.

Hope this helps. Any questions, fire away.
Thank you very much for helping. However, my first try with installing NYGM was without Stiebler's addon (as it is optional), and I initially had the issue with ship icons being shown on the map then. Then, hoping that it may solve it, I activated Stiebler's addon on my second trial of installing, by following the provided instructions (first patched sh3.exe with h.sie's patch-kit, and then applied Stiebler's add-on on top of it). That also did not fix it, but loving all the options it brings regardless (I think I installed it right even only the mod named "Stiebler4C_Addon_for_V16B1" is seen in the JGME, are you positive that there should be also a folder seen and activated through JGME for H.sie's patch?).

By the way, removing Hitman_GUI_NYGM3_1.1 somehow brought back the CO's messages concerning oxygen (I exchanged it with Hitman Optics NYGM 3.6).

Today I encountered a liner ship, a large cargo, a DD and a Light Cruiser in the Mediterranean. While there were only circles as supposed to be for DD, Cruiser and the liner, the large cargo had the red ship icon at maximum zoom level. And when the game gives me God's Eye, I can't stop but looking through it
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