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Old 05-18-20, 09:30 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Good ideas indeed. I also place 40 potassium absorbents in my ventilator, along with the max 40 in storage as well. Until the schnorkel becomes available this is a must. To add to the re-breather discussion, I like to have every officer equipped with one re-breather, and keep a minimum of 4 available in storage. fill the galley to capacity while docked, and then fill all available storage slots to 100 of provisions each. At least 4 differing types of food. I allot one slot for 5 sonar decoys, which can be carried if necessary by one of my radio officers. Reason being that sometimes when you get that big Liberty, or C3- N1 kill, you may find a large cache of provisions of a type you aren't currently carrying that can be added to your supply. Remember that you can place food directly from the deck to the galley if a cook is on duty. I have emptied out one slot of food in the galley in order to add 15-20 of something we gathered at sea. If you are diligent bout provisions, you can keep the galley well stocked for long journeys.
Also, in agreement with GoldenRivet, I keep both (or all three) of my Engineering/mechanical officers equipped with 5 spare parts each and an additional 5 in storage. This is useful for doing deep dives (usually on the journey back to port) in order to induce low morale (ferret out the cowards) and get experience points to my mechanics, while adding seawolves. Dive to max depth, keep a close eye on your boat, and leaks will occur. These repairs help give your officers experience, while you learn about the limits of your boat, and the thermocline.
Hope these ideas offer some help...
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