Thread: Spam Emails
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Old 04-23-20, 09:35 AM   #1
Grey Wolf
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Default Spam Emails

Not too long ago just out of interest I looked at Bitcoins and wondered what it was all about.
Since then I get lots of Spam emails, some telling me I have so much in my bank account that just needs me to confirm my details.
I looked on Ebay for something that my daughter was interested in, now I get spam for those as well and many more.
Some days they pile up and I just delete the lot, I wish I had a £1 for every spam email I get I would be well off.

Going back to the ones saying I have money in my account etc, if it wasn't for the fact of getting some kind of virus I am half tempted to contact the sender thanking them for the money and play them along.
Or if I knew how and I had their details then contact them as some form of authority and taking them to court.
I've seen the odd YouTube clip where some guys do spam the spammer but they use an old PC so no real risk or problem if it gets a virus.

On the subject of viruses I remember a time I was in work and there was a young guy who was working for an outside company doing some work on programming a system we were using.
I liked at first and we got talking about viruses, he said he had written a few and hid them in some programs, he thought it was funny, when I told him I thought it was sick and lots of people don't know how to get rid of them and have to pay out or some even wreck a PC.
His reply was he thought it was a good laugh and fun, after that I never spoke to him again.


Silent and Violent
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