Thread: [REL] Dark Waters
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Old 03-20-20, 07:18 PM   #286
Join Date: Oct 2017
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Thanks for the warm welcome!

I just wanted to leave a quick note for other users who might encounter the same trouble as I had the last two days figuring out why my PC wouldn't run the mod.

I encountered a .dll runtime error with the Sh4.exe, and no matter what I tried to fix it, it just would not run.

After a bit of research and talking to a few gamer friends we came to the conclusion that at some point in the uptime of my system my VC redistribution got corrupted and even reinstalling or using the repair option wouldn't fix it...

So yeah I had to bite the bullet and reinstall Win10, after that It started.

I hadn't reinstalled win10 in almost exactly three years and as said at some point something got so broken that it affected the SH4.exe in some weird way to cause the runtime error...

Now after that little adventure in fixing my setup I can't wait to get huntin again!
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