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Old 01-25-20, 08:55 PM   #1
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Default 3rd person water-spouts from dc's

Could you please add to the "wish-list bucket":

Exploding DC's to have a waterspout a few seconds after detonation, water to be white unless a kill is made, which causes a black, grey and white waterspout. (oil mixed with water)

This would be a neat feature to aid 1 U-boat crew in determining which escort is depth-charging another U-boat, as well as giving the approximate location of a friendly boat. Once <grin> Playable escorts are modelled, it will also serve to tell the players on that escort, or a nearby one, that a kill has been achieved on the U-boat under attack.

Ordinarily there should be a time delay between the waterspout and the detonation, with, at close range the detonation being heard before the waterspout is seen. At medium range, they'd be concurrent, and at long range the waterspout would be seen before the DC detonation is heard (due differences in speed of sound propagation and that of light.
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