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Old 06-22-19, 09:21 AM   #368
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
@Skybird, so you are a Reichsbürger? #
Idiot. Whenever you think it pleases you, you come with some stupid, offensive babbling like this. Idiot...!

The Grundgesetz - Germany's constitutional law - does not allow for individual states to break away. "In the Federal Republic of Germany, which is a nation-state based on the constituent power of the German people, states are not masters of the constitution", the court wrote in the decision.
There is no room under the constitution for individual states to attempt to secede because it violates the constitutional order.
So, no Bayxit for you.
Now you sound like some of the Spanish ultrannationalist almost fascist hardliners in madrid who also claim that Catalonya's people are not allowed to seek freedom from Madrid - because Madrid has given itself a rule saying that ther eis no right not to be governed by Madrid.

Bulls#!t. Reminds of the Selbstermächtigungsgesetz of the Nazis.


Of course there's the "Bayern party":
"The fight for Bavarian independence will not be decided by a court, but rather by the will of the Bavarians," the party wrote on Facebook and Twitter in response to the ruling. In a separate post, they also promised a continued fight for their state’s freedom.
"The Bavarian Party is happy to see in celebration of the New Year that efforts for self determination are growing across Europe… The Bavarian Party will be working towards this with all of its strength in the New Year."

I wish them all the best. Because frankly, i would have aplauded to re-erect the former soviet wall between Bavaria and the rest of Germany

They at least outran a referendum though.. how undemocratic:
"Rather than putting the petition to a referendum, Bavaria’s state premier, Markus Söder, announced it would simply be written into law, passing through parliament"
And this is what it is about: Save the bees!
It is always amazing how willingly self-proclaimed social justice fighters and socialists and communists and EU-fans fall back to totalitarian dictatorial rules if these only are aiming at boxing through their matching political worldviews, whereas any resistence to them of even much lesser violence and brutality get brandmarked as the most offensive of crimes. In the end these progressive ideologies claiming to mean it oh so well, alsways want just one thing, and this one thing before any other: they want to command and control people and crack down on everybody as hard as possible who does resist to their claim for having power over him.

The whole civil society and its debates i8s infested by this visurs. It even has conquered debate about ecology, climate, and gender madness syndrome.

And that is what makes this fight so bitter and brutally sooner or later again. Becasue it is not just a disput eoiver agmentds, but it is about claimng the absolute, total power and command and the complete subjugation of the other. Just that those only defending their natural right for freedom, indeed want just this: their freedom. Their natural birth right.

Nobody has a claim for the freedom of others. Nobody has the claim that others only exist to be obedient to his demands and worldviews. Nobody gets biorn and by this circumstance owes to others, may it be few or many. Man is no property, and is nobody else's property.

And the "constitution" in germany? Merkel violates it notoriously, for exmaple since 2015 over mass migration issues, becasue she feels like it - an appeal to cheap emotions is her only justification for violating the Basic Law. And the Grundgesetz also ruled that in case of reunification of germany a new constitution for the whole of Germany should be drafted, since the Grundgesetz, the Basic Law, only was meant as a provisorium for as long as the split in germany existed. But doing so would have cut the power of federal minister presidents of the federal states, and since they did not want to see their power cut, they all united and boycotted the constitutional demand to form a new constitution that then actualy would have been called that: not just a Basic Law, but a constitution.

Formally, Germany has no constitution, and since 30 years runs its polices and institutions on illegal fundaments. A historic fact that is almost forgotten and certainly does not get taught in state schools. The existence of the modern german state rests on an illegal fundament.

Freedom becomes not illegal just because a Basic Law or a constitution rules so. Thats why Madrid has no claim against the catalunyans, and thats why Berlin woudl have no claim against bavarians if the latter would vote for their independence. One can desire to have an agreement on any form of formalization for a possible future secession process by somebody, but even if this formalization gets not inked on paper, there is no argument for claiming that people have no right to be free from another people'S claim over them. That is just a crime, and I claim people even have the right to resist to it with force and the use of weapons, if this right is withheld from them. Anglosaxons, namely the British these days, with their much stronger tradition of liberalism and libertarianism and freedom than it was ever present in continental Europe, seem to understand this easier, and thats why London "allowed" the scottish referendum, and that also is why the politlical caste so desperately tries to hide their attempt of stealing the Brexit from the referendum voters. Its also the reason why Brussel does not understand why Britain should be allowed to leave from the EU's regime of destroying freedoms and liberty. That is becasue on the continent, freedom and liberty never have had an as strong lobby anyway. Raise the red flag again, and soon people rally around it and agree to impose totalitarian command over and draconian penalty against everbyody not marching to the drums of the socialist collective. The tradition of freedom and liberty - speaks English, not German or French. In this feature, the anglosaxon cultural heritage is far superior to that of the continental powers, especially France and Germany. And the Germans do not know what to do with freedom anyway, I think. If they do not get commanded around, they miss something in their lives.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 06-22-19 at 09:37 AM.
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