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Old 05-06-19, 06:28 PM   #1
Samurai Navy
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Default What's the word on Moddablitly?

I know one of the huge set backs of SH5 is that the game could not be modded to the desire of most simmers (and gammers). I think it's why most people still say SH3 is still the standard because it could be modded much easier.

Full disclosure...I have not purchanced the game or watch a ton of Youtube on it...but get the general "the sims....Uboat style with Silent Hunter element" impression people are putting out there.

What do the 10 pound/22.34 kg (i'm guessing) brain people think about moddablity? Too early to know?

One constant you can always say with Uboat sims/games is that you can't make everyone happy and everyone has their own ideas on what they would like out a the game (or even it they want to call it a game or a simulation). I will say that having MANY options (read: full spectrum of Realism or gamism) plus the ability to Mod to get what you want is kind of where this genre needs to be to survive. Hopefully that isn't asking too much. Honestly I'm just happy the Genre still exists and hasn't died on some console years ago.
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