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Old 04-21-19, 06:46 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Kapitan View Post
Indeed it is, however if you look at games like silent hunter no names are mentioned only fictional ones the engagements are fictional.

What they certainly should have done is just called it something other than Kursk could have called it Sub Down or something of that nature, but for me the fact remains it is based on a real life event and uses the Kursk name to bolster the game which isnt exactly tasteful.

Just MHO
And as someone pointed out to you, you have no issues with the Silent Hunter franchise doing the same. I haven't seen you say including The Hood in World of Warships is distasteful, and only three men lived from that.

No, they certainly should not have. If it is distasteful for you, don't buy it, or read about it. That simple. No need to act like the game shouldn't exist just because it "offends" you. Facts, video games, and video gamers, don't care about your feelings! And thankfully your power to control what gamers see or get, died in the 90s.
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