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Old 04-16-19, 07:29 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by em2nought View Post
So you're saying I've a mind like a steel trap.

Yep, rusted and nonfunctional...

Originally Posted by u crank View Post
That may be true though I doubt it. But if it is true then that of course opens up the possibility that he has more dirt on Hillary and the Obama administration...Clapper, Brennan etc. He may have entertained the possibility that Clinton would win and her administration would have most likely attempted to punish him. And he is certainly devious enough to prep for that possibility.

If you want I can lend you some tinfoil.

Originally Posted by Mr Quatro View Post
He didn't take any thing with him on his forced removal from his self imposed retreat at the embassy, which means any proof of wrong doing by the Clintons or the Trump administration would have to already be in the hands of his trusted followers of which there are many and if he had anything in his apartment/office it is already in the hands of the investigators now.

Now CNN will have more click bait to tickle us with on what secrets Assange has without being able to prove it of course

If Assange/WL have any more on Clinton, et al, that could serve as a potential 'bargaining chip' with the Trump DOJ, however that could be blunted by the fact such a 'collaboration (I'm avoiding the word 'collusion' ) would also probably be a bit obvious and, once public, would put Chump in a bigger hole than the Mueller report could dig for him...

...and I don't need tinfoil, although, if you need some, u crank, I have a couple of rolls gathering dust in the cupboard I could send you...

Originally Posted by Platapus View Post
At this point, I think it is pretty clear that we should discount pretty much anything Trump says as either a lie or perhaps a form of cognitive disorder.

The sad point is that perhaps Trump is not lying, but truly does not remember what he says in the past. He tends to speak in an emotionally reactive manner, saying what ever comes to mind that fits the present situation with little thought about what may have already been said or the future ramifications. This may be why he flip flops so much.

He may be just as surprised as we are when his past recorded statements are brought back.

He was not always this way. I remember interviews years ago when he could form sets of coherent sentences and actually make sense. He was never a great speaker, but was one that was understandable. In the past few years, however, his ability to speak clearly has diminished.

Perhaps this is why he prefers to communicate more electronically.

A nice bit of analysis if you're laying an insanity or diminished capacity defense and have a gullible jury, but past history shows that Trump is a longtime con man and 'convenient amnesia' is a tool of the trade for con artists; the mantra has always been, when caught, "Deny!, Deny!, Deny!". If caught and you can't deny, then either split or try to make a deal to get out of the situation; Trump has relied on this for decades and, in the private sector, where his dishonesty was little-noted and where he could throw around his putative wealth, position and the 'powers' therein 'entitled' to bully down his adversaries, he was, if not successful in actual endeavors, a 'success' in keeping up his appearances. But, now, his fallbacks are failing him and he is well out of his depth against the media and public attention. He is also finding his usual regimen of blustering, bullying, and demanding bending to his will won't work in the face of Federal law and governance. I do think Trump is mentally unstable; I just don't think his lying is an uncontrollable by-product of that instability...

As far as coherence goes, I also recall how, in the past, Trump would talk in circles when he was challenged on matter on which he expounded, particularly when he was defending his wealth; I sometimes wonder if that is why he has such a soft spot for Kellyanne Conway; they both talk the same babbling language. Part of Trump's current incoherence may be attributable to Trump, as he speaks, realizing he might be called out on what he has just said and wheeling around to cut off a possible challenge...

Originally Posted by August View Post
So in other words if I say I don't know anything about you or Vienna then that would mean that I am lying or crazy even though we have never met?
Depends on what you know about me. I'd wager you would be wrong on almost all counts since I really haven't given more than a superficial account of myself on these forums. Now, if you were to go around averring you had actual, verifiable knowledge of myself or my conditions without ever meeting me, then, yes, you would be lying... far as you being crazy, well...

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