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Old 04-15-19, 05:45 PM   #3703
Posts: n/a


So I have taken all of Webster's stuff and the SonarFix out of my list. Still have DDs with no engine sound.

I took all of it out, and put the SonarFix in last. Still have the same issue.

So in other words, I take all the ship physics mods out, which is what caused the ships not making noise issue, which caused the creation of the Sonar Fix Mod, and yet, without any mod in my list doing anything regarding that (i.e Physics and Sound has reverted to Vanilla *unless* these are all built in issues with all the "Super" mods themselves) and yet, I have the same issue, just as if something is loaded.

The only other way I could possibly think to test this is, delete career. Close Game. Change Mod List. Create New Career. Sailing Around Till I Found Something. Go to P Depth to See if I Can Hear It. If No Joy, Start Over.

Currently what I am doing is just loading a save that I now have with targets around me (The Initial Luzon Invasion Force, if I recall correctly, is what I have found), seeing if I can hear them, if not closing, adjusting the mod list, and trying again.

Does anyone have any other way of testing whether you can hear something or not? I just want to enjoy one of these mods, and I can't understand why I can't seem to get any assistance on the only website any of the mods are available at. If only the community hadn't been herded onto only one website on the entire internet, we could have a larger community from which to troubleshoot with. Something I recall voicing when the push was made to centralize everything and the kitchen sink, to this one website. Not to mention the concerns I had over bandwidth issues, and surprise pay walls.
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