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Old 04-15-19, 05:05 PM   #3701
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
I have played OM with minimal problems in the past. One thing I have never done is put TMO in first. I considered it a Pacific game, and I think OM works best without having TMO underneath it.

I don't know it that would work for you, but my personal feeling is that I would never mix the two.
Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
i concur with sailor_steve.
TMO is a pacific theatre mega-mod and OpM is an atlantic theatre mod and neither is designed to work along side the other. there are modded game files getting in each other's way.

if you want to play the german side, apply OpM and play it and if you want to play the american side, load TMO but for best results keep the mods separated.

good luck.

Sigh, it's like you gentlemen are being deliberately dense. I'm not going to bother re-typing my post which you can read, and then re-read as many times as necessary to see what you guys aren't understanding.

And I'm still no closer to fixing my "silent" ship engines issue, that oddly enough, a mod I have loaded, is specifically designed to fix.......... I currently have TMO loaded.

(Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\UbiSoft\Silent Hunter 4\MODS]

1.5_Optical Targeting Correction 031312 for RSRDCv502
Traveller Mod v2.6 TMO
Traveller Mod 2.6 OTC 1.5 Patch
Webster's Real Lifeboats Fix for v1.5
Webster's Ship Manuvering Fix
Pacific Sound Mod
DBSM Close Depth Charge
BBC World
KGBM Radio
Captain Midnights MORE CBS NEWS! MOD v1.2)

As I hope you gentlemen can see, I do not have both mods loaded, nor can I understand why, how, or when you got the idea that I had them both installed. Don't bother explaining, please.

Anyways, have I put up with you guys goofing with me enough to actually help me, or do I still need to stay on my knees and grovel to get your omnipotent help for a longer period of time? Cause I really do get the feeling you are both having a go at me.
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