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Old 03-13-19, 10:08 PM   #6
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
I fired up the game, hunted up a convoy, and closed from 3000 yards to 500 yards of the wing escort while steadily hitting the depth sounding button, ping ping ping ping no reaction from the destroyer.

My conclusion is in real life you would need a depth chart, in the game you don't.
As long as they can't hear it in the game than that solves my problem. Up until now I have been leery about sending out a ping to the ocean bottom while in the vicinity of any warships. Nothing worse than doing a crash dive and slamming into the seabed at 200 feet. But hey if works than no need.

I started searching the web for nautical charts for specific bodies of water and Alt+Tab to them during game to somewhat plan for my patrols. Helped out a lot in the mostly shallow Yellow Sea.
I do however like the idea of ALT+TAB and looking at a true life nautical chart of the area I'm in and then do some sounding and see how accurate the game is.
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