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Old 03-12-19, 09:45 AM   #9390
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No need to cry if it gets voted down, since even if it passes this "deal" would be ringing the death knell for Brexit in the meaning of the term as well.

They all should really realise this week that all three votes this week should be nayed and a no deal Brexit should be plot course for - like from all beginning on. A delay, whether it be a few weeks or even one or two years, leads nowhere, just to a continuation of the current misery and paralysis. Better an end with hardship, than hardship without ends. In the end, right now the UK can dom nothing. In case of a no deal brexit it at least gains back the freedom to do and to try as it wants, which is more than it has now or will get with a "deal".

This paralysis has to be brought to an end, and if Brexit should have any meanign left to it, then ther eis only one option: to leave without any deal. Due to the lousy preparation of May over the past two years where she was busy with wasting time for nothing, it will be much harder now, but I think it can become a sustainable endavour over medium and long time. The UK and itzs economy in parts have to reinvent itself, however, and I had that on mind from beginning on, namely for the so-called financial sector, which is no real economy anyway. Low tax regime to attract companies from overseas and beating the high-tax competition from the EU. Threatening to stop full criminal and intel and military competition with the rest of Europe if it endlessly blocks new treaties on business and trade. May has played it way too lame and non-aggressive from beginning on. See where it got her: nowhere.

It takes two to tango. Play it tough, UK. Get rid of your corrupted "elite", become a low tax haven to attract investors, and become nasty with the EU. Where the EU is extremely vulnerable, is finances, and being challenged for lowering taxes is the best option to press it for real compromises - not any more of these foul "deals".

And who knows, in the forseeable future, when the next tsunami of symptoms for the collapse of the apper money regime crashes down onto everybody'S heads, the UK may benefit from no longer being so dependent on its financial sector and London City money business - if indeed the time and opportunity gets used for getting homework done and the old ways get modenrised, replaced, chnaged, altered, whatever. The Chinese sign for "risk", I read, is two signs, actually, the one meaning "danger", the other "opportunity". Its not about preserving old ways, but about dramatically changing and replacing them. One thing that neither May'S tories, nor socialist Corbyn'S Tories so far seem to nhave understood. No wonder, since it threatens their members' very lifestyle models by which they make their living. Britons will understand this, send them to hell and face both dangers and chances, or they refuse to understand, and then will need to suffer what they must. The coming years are judgement time.
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