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Old 02-23-19, 06:35 PM   #13
Silent Hunter
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I didn't day don't worry, Just don't worry too much, what we are seeing is a political/cultural trend, political/cultural trends change over time.

Its minority who push this stuff and its a majority who merely go along with it or not. Most people follow the path of least resistance after all.
But the harder its pushed, the louder the revolt. It used to be 'creeping' diluted in with liberalism so was more tolerated.
Now its forced as you say - even in to law. and increasingly more people cannot live up to the standards of PC purity it demands. - Progressives now witch hunt other progressives for ever more minor infractions.

So it gets noticed called out and satirized more. (and don't under estimate the power of satire)
Look at the spread of Progressive/Globalism vs Populist/Nationalism though out the US and Europe at present, You don't need me to tell you which one is growing and which one is in declining. While its close, its pretty clear to see one set of values is losing its grip on culture. (even if it still has it on the current establishment)
In the last 2 decades Progressivsm became the 'preachy establishment of the teacher, the law maker and the politician'. And as long as we have some democracy and free markets, that is a death sentence.

In a democracy, culture determines the establishment, not the other way around. They would have to turn us in to China to make it work the way they want. Not an easy task.

Last edited by JU_88; 02-23-19 at 06:56 PM.
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