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Old 02-23-19, 04:47 PM   #12
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In Germany moire and more city offices and auhtorities adapt to gender-correct and gender-neutral raping of language. Sorry, I worry very much - becasue the madness spread faster than cow madness disease. At many universities, or even all? I don'T know, you cannot file papers anymore if you do not follow gender-raping of language. Your paper would be eiother dismissed, or rated with "F". Teaching perosnal also has no choice if they want to keep their job - if they do not get mobbed and literally lynched by the students mob before.

Its being turned into more and more of the law, that all means. - Not worry?

Some weeks ago I wanted to give the Emerson essay "Self-.Reliance" to a girlfriend, as a present. It is available separately, not hjust as part of the Essays-colleciton volumne one, in German. mI have it as such a co9mplete volume, however, but know she would not read all that, so wanted to gift her just this exceprt ediiton. I ordere done, and the trannslation was loiusy and wiothout any prose and soul. I ordered another one - to my sheer horror it was cojmletely turne dinto gender and femoinsutr correct new language, and was an offence to the spirit in which the original was written in. I then went into a book shop, and found two other efditions, whbcih also were rotten, and again one was almost an abuse of the original, and was full of fe,mnist "Neusprch" and gender-correct unpersonalisations of personal nouns. A disgrace,a nd a systemtical rape of cultural heritage in literature. And unfoprtunateky I mist say that this madness aplso spreads. And is beign greeted with enthusiams and rushing-ahead obedience of politicians and officials trying to win voters with this their servility. Many chuldren books get edited as well, get rwriotten to be begnder-co9rrect, also maistream classical literature. Even Brother sGrimm fairy tales they want to give the treatment, and comics like Asterix.

Not worry? The madness spreads. Like a zombie epidemic.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-23-19 at 04:55 PM.
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