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Old 01-23-19, 05:32 AM   #689
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Originally Posted by STEED View Post
I hear the euro army is on it's way now Germany and France signed agreement.
If you mean the paper of Aachen - that is just the whistleing in the forest. A declaration of two very weak government leaders who get the boot at home.

The cooperation of Germany and France in terms of cooperating army units and shared manouver units, is overestimated, according to insiders being experience din this field. They say reality in no way meets what since years gets postulated to be already there.

On that interview with the BND chief, Germany currently has made it clear where its priorities lie, and these priorities are denial of reality. We care a lot for eliminating genders from our cultural definitaion o our species, we foster strong collective uniformism in mind and thoght and opinion and have labelled everything right of the far leanign left as rightwinged extremism, any sense of own, natural identity gets brandmarked as brutal selfishness, and economy lobby groups as well as ideological special interest groups tear the law and order state and and state reason apart. Monopolism rules - on top pof all, the state as the biggest monopolist of all, but not any less unfriendly just because it is the state.

The people - let all this happen and let all this getting done in their name, so i think they do not deserve anythign better. Thats justice.

The EU is putting itself under so much inner tensions that it must burst sooner or later. It is hopelessly exaggerating its own meaning and importance, its a playground for deranged characters unsuited for serving the public, the EU wants to be too much and thank God! can be only too little, a textbook example for over-ambitious hubris. The advanatge of Europe always was: innovation, innovation came form competition, competition came fro geographic separation. Technology-hostility especially in Germany, the demand of the EU to be a cultural Lehrmeister and re-designer of cultural identity is owed to the demand of fat cats to sunbath their egos in the light of a bigger organsiation they represent as a de facto one party system, and the Gleichschaltung of opinion and thinking about it, especially in Western state run media and here once again in the german mainstream media, cannot be overlooked, is obvious. Merkel'S policy of declaring anythign she claims as "without alternative" had destroyed the potlical spectrum and prevents any "democratic" discussion, has turned the parliament into a de facto one-party show with a strawman -like democratic legitimation like the other parties beside the SED in the GDR.

de Gaulle wanted the British not in the EEC, he vetoed their joinign twice, feared the economic influx from their economy. de gaulle also did not want this madness of a Eurpean superstate , he wanted instead a strong economic - and only economic! - cooperation, and an according framework for that. With that concept of an EU I wold have no big problems, like I agree to the concepot of the old EEC, despite its obvious, politically motivated dysbalanced economic distribution policies which led to unhealthy results (like every state-run sanctioning of free market and any state-propagated claim to plan the economy necessarily must do). The milk quotas, the butter mountains of the 70s and 80s., etc etc. But the EU fat cats dream of establishing a Sovjet-style regome that gives them so very uch own power and glory, or comare it to the role the KP plays in China - its a one party-dictatorship with an utmost corrupt family clan at the very top. The ammount of corruption in the eU is immense, and is helped by the fact that the holy grail of Wetsern systemn: voter'S decisions, get bypassed by biblical ammount of private lobbyism, leading to the circumstance that Brussel insiders say on one member of EU parliament there come 50-60 lobbyists who are additionally allowed, like on national government levels, to not only recommend la chnages on their behalf, but also to formulate them and let them beign turned into written rle by their own law agencies. The corruption of the intended design is complete. It cannot be reformed, for the actors will be against it to protect their own interests, and in generla net receivig state slive so very pefrectly of the status quo in which they can vote down net paying states. This leviathan cannot be talked into nice behaviour, every state never redcues itself, instead it always demands ever mor epower for itself. This leviathan must be waited to collapse under its own weight, suffocated by its own body mass. This is what happend to the two Roman empires after the divide, preparing them to be weak and unfit and self-paralysed so that they could no longe rresct to the challanges raised by foreign pwers from ebyoind their spheres of influence. When rome stopped to be potent enough reach into the affairs of other kingdoms and places, some of these later reached into Roman affairs, with the known results. I think the EU will go the same way, just in timelapse mode. The loss is not the loss of the eU, the loss is the wasted time that is not avialable to make our states fit for the tough competition with Russia, china, the US. Especialyl the US now has a technolgical lead over Europe that I think cannot be caught up with anymore. The German hostility to technology does not help, of course. Not to mention that in many fields of new tehcnolgies we are a development country. Albania has more stable internet, than Germany. Our rail is a mess, our airports cant be build, we clad buoldings and ignore the immense encironmental costs of that but stick with the cliche that it actually helps the environment, we have illusions about e-mobility and fade out the dirty costs of pruducing e-cars and batteries, and when we make disocveries in new cell techcnolgy, we do not dare to turn it itno a profit-generating business idea, no: we share it for free so that all mankind shall benefot from it, follow out golden ways and thnaks us for it, theit thankfulness is our payment. And above all we simply ignore that without bringing down global population tremedosukly, all this hectic acting will make no difference. WE ARE TOO MANY.

German priorities 2019:

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