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Old 01-15-19, 06:21 PM   #1
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Default Gibraltar dont do it !!

Checking in..

The last patrol lost my boat in operation drumbeat after I sank a Panamanian tanker, Escorted by a VW Destroyer, with the same flag I had 26 kills on that ongoing patrol with the unlimited supplies. this is with a 95% play setting, I don't know why previous after getting slammed off the Spanish coast with a hunter-killer Group of 3 VW Destroyers and the battery down too 25 %, was I able to shake off the attack's but, I survived after 48 hours of ongoing depth charge attacks. after that, I was able to move my boat to the Cuban coast only to find these two ships moving west. I shot the tanker and dived too 80 meter's . for some reason after 6 hours of depth charging. Several depth charges hit my aft torpedo room causing massive flooding, the depth was only 226 meters, the boat went stern downward's and bottomed out at that depth. seems In TWOS, that are no chances of the boat recovering. the boat kept hitting the ocean floor until my hull was completely destroyed- with that crew, I lost all prestige and all training points.

. Restarted a new campaign with the home base at La Spezia, which once again was a tanker choke off the Cuban coast. to get to the designated patrol area. I would have to pass through Gibraltar. My Instinct was not to accept this mission, which I was correct. A hunter-killer group of 3 patrol boats and1 Swan, 1 VW.manged to find my boat. I was just south of the English base hugging the Spanish coast. that group managed to hit my boat with a plethora of depth charges, hitting my boat in the forward torpedo room causing my boat to dive rapidly and sink. My advice Stay in the MED at 95% settings, Imagine this.. this was at night that I attempted to pass through the strait of Gibraltar, silent running, speed 2 knots .seems those little patrol boat has the asdac, Sonor, which the whole group works together to kill your boat
quickly .. Salute My fellow sub simmers's
Captain AJ

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