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Old 12-16-18, 04:12 AM   #12
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Default 2 Questions about this tread (which took forever to find.)

Nicrolyte I run Win10 and am a user of various Steam games. When It came to SH5, I paid for the Steam version, downloaded and installed the standard SH5 Steam game. During the install I also noted that it installed U-Play.

Once installed I re-booted my PC and ran SH5 once to check that it worked as intended. Again I noted the link back to U-Play during the startup, but all appeared to be in working order. I then made a manual save of the SH5 Steam directory and saved the vanilla installation on my backup drive.

Next was to download the latest (at the time) version of TWoS. During the installation of TWoS I was careful to ensure that all install instructions were followed to the tee. Then when the entire installation process was done i re-booted my PC and re-read through the install instructions ensuring all steps had been completed.

Now when I start the SH5 icon, I get a Steam connection followed by some sort of U-Play handshake, the main loading screen, followed by its black screen brother. Finally some music starts to play and then I know SH5 is ready and waiting to test me.

Sorry I cannot comment on SH3, that one was way before my time.

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