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Old 11-05-18, 09:18 AM   #7
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A couple of my tricks (use MK48 as an example):

1. Top speeds for passive and active are different. Passive is generally 5kts slower. I usually set speed 5kts slower than the top ones. Please note, the speed you set is the weapon's cruise speed, not the terminal attack speed. Once the weapon locks onto something, it will automatically increase up to the top speed (either passive or active), regardless of your settings on cruise speed.

2. Observe torpedo behavior and speed changes. If you see your torp steady and speed up to the top speed and holds at top speed, you would know it has locked onto something.

3. Observe your broadband aspect changes. If the torp locks onto something but torp's broadband line is diverging from the target's one then you would know your torp has most likely locked onto a decoy rather than the true target

4. Check target's speed on the DEMON display, most AI sub under attack would travel at high speed to evade. If you see torp locks on, the broadband lines are not diverging, but the target is actually slowing down then most likely the target is behind the torp's search cone rather than ahead of the torp.
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