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Old 10-24-18, 07:17 AM   #19
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About the brutality and unscrupelousness by which the German states has repeatedl plundered German citizens and owebers of some wealth in case of "currency reforms". If you think you are safe when owning property, think again. Property makes you a preferred victim (beside owners of gold). Not to mention that property that you use for your own living-in, is no in vetsm,ent, but costs you more in running maiteance and fees, than a real ivestement where oyu expect to be rewarded for your money-lenidng with a regular interest or one-time-profit.

Nightmarish. I know why not to trust states and condemn all politicians. Never.

Who believes in "stable" paper money currencies, has not understood that the paper money was enforced by unscrupolous polit gangsters right to prevent stability and to provoke instability, and the ability to inflate money by states. Which is why they created central banks. Central banks should be called "ministries of fraud and betrayal". And "currency reforms" compare to the looting of a fallen city after it was defeated in battle with its walls brought down, and left its citizens as defenceless prey.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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