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Old 10-19-18, 11:13 PM   #11034
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Importing new subs into the game has proven to be very difficult. That's why no one has ever done it.

Why did you allow your Chieff to loose all of his moral points then? In my patrols he is eager to work even after 30 days at sea.
I talked about in game moral/fatigue mechanics so many times guys that I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

However, I'm redesigning this part of the game right now because it seems that many people just can't handle it. For example, in the future updates Chiefs ability to send more crew to damage control won't cost any moral points , but it will still take one moral point from the rest of the crew and also drastically increase moral degradation as long as "faster repairs" ability is active.
Don't complain here if your cook is not able to prepare special meal for your crew after that...
Play safe and your crew won't let you down...

thank you for answer. I did not mean a new submarine model, but type VII of SH5. I know this is not true, but it would certainly be more faithful than the German tanker on the east coast of the USA in 1942.
Personally, I did not have any moral problems until the "Paukenschlag" operation. When I take into account the time I need to cross the Atlantic back and forth, the time for combat operations, with three times as much as I need, so the total time far exceeds my 30 days. And although I've sank quite a bit, the crew of BRT has beaten my own way and I could do what I wanted to raise the morale of the team.
Now I'm just heading for Gibraltar to South America (Distant Waters), and I'm afraid I'll have the same moral problem.
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