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Old 09-11-18, 06:13 PM   #1
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Default Can do anything more

As most of you know I have or had huge problems with my computer especially after those MS upgrades or updates.

I had been searching for information on the web about my problems and on every pages I found they said it's mostly the driver who are outdated

I'm a total newbie when it comes to computer.

Then some days ago I searched for information on how to update driver and when reading how it is done I remember my friend how he did.

First I had to find where my device management are.

Found it very fast.

The first I did was to check for any new driver to my graphic card.

There was a new driver installed it and restarted the computer.
Then I checked for newer driver to my audio there was a new same here installed it, but didn't restarted my computer.

Made som check here and there and one or two more of my drivers got an update.

Everything was OK until last night-Got three !! BSOD within 30 minutes.

So today I went back to my device management

And this time I checked for updates for EVERY thing there was there.

There was 3-4 new updates to my system-Each time it said I had to restart but I didn't
I restarted my computer when I was finish.

It toke some time checking every device.

So now I hope this will help.

If not....then it is away to my local IT-supporter.

My headlines "Can do anything more " Should have been "Can't do anything more"

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