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Old 08-24-18, 07:47 AM   #1
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Default Tesla Model 3 in test: disappointing

Never understood the hype about Tesla, the cars so far are not impressing me at all.

Add to it the fact that the value loss, due to rapid development cycles for battteries, is extremely high for any kind of electrical mobile.

But that in this Model 3 the autopilot in turns randomly switches off and brings the wheel to "straight ahead", means potantial danger to car, driver, and life. In a right turn this manouver would bring you straight on the left traffic lane, if you do not react immediately - and the car demands driver's attention input just every 30 seconds. A lot can happen in 30 seconds.

Not worth the high asking price. The quality is mediocre, the sales policy is dubious at best, the idea to have customers buying a new car to get future software updates, as Musk explained a year ago or so, is absurd.

Whats the hype about? So far I see nothing in Tesla that justifies it.

original German source: LINK

As I wrote in this - LINK - accidentally misplaced thread some weeks ago, fun is the only excuse currently to buy into e-mobility, economic and fincial and ecologicla arguments do not rewally calculate positively yet. But the article raises doubts that Tesla is indeed "fun". and a tehcnology that throttles down the car repeatedly due to overheating, in my view is not market-fit. Not yet, at least. It remind sof the first autombiles a hunbdred years ago that black-white-films show as needing to get fresh cooling water every couple of kilometers...

Fun fact: the battery has 150x higher capacity than the battery on my e-bike. Range of that bike is, on ordinary rides, around 75-95 km, realistically, weighing 27 kilograms "naked" or around 120 kg of tour weight. For the Tesla, a range of over 500 km is claimed, but this is a claim from the laboratory and so represents fictional "under ideal but unrealistic conditions" findings. If it is like with ebikes, then you can halve the range, therefore - minimum factor. In winter and cold temperatures, it may even be less. Couild drop to a third. Would not be surprised to learn it last just a quarter of that optimum distance.

Plus over time every battery looses maximum capacity it can hold.

E mobility is not the final answer, and it also is still a long way from being fit for ordinary daily routine, the lacking infrastructure and the problem over overburding power grids when in the evenbing priovate car owners by the millions load the cells of their cars for the next day not even mentioned. If wanting to buy an alternative car today, I would prefer a car using hybrid technology.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 08-24-18 at 08:02 AM.
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