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Old 08-04-18, 11:33 AM   #12
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The point is that mere playing some games does not stop me from trying to make people stop using Microsoft for just everything, knowing that in that case and Microsoft giving up on Windows the gaming under Windows would come to an end for me as wellin the foillowing aftermath of time. Many endless apologists who defend Microsoft and do their best to excuse Microsoft's lack of quality however make certain that this will never happen, and that the widespread dependency on Windows will continue and so Microsoft must not listne to customers. Equivalents of you exist in companies and on corporate level as well, plus the strong lobby Microsoft maintains in politics to make sure its stuff get used in public administrations for hefty yearly license fees costing the tax payer billions every year - for inferior quality and security - and even when the superiority of for example Linux has been proven by years of using alternative OS, like for example in Paris or Munich to name just two big cities. And so deveklopers have almost no other chance than to continue developing for Windows instead of Linux, and the dpeendency of future softweare oin Windows is the excuse then why not to give up on Wndows and migrate to Chrome, Apple or Linux. And mind you: in other hardware departments, Windows de facto has already been left behind. Mobiles are Anbdroid (Linux) land, servers for the most run under Linux as well worldwide. Just the PC market still gets suffocated by the depen dency on Windows.

What is the hypocrisy here: me just using it as long as it still is there, for things that are in the end just meaningless and unimportant, unsensibile regarding security and privacy and - documented and shared by others as well - technical instability issues, or people like you showing Microsoft that they must not care for better quality at all not just for gaming platforms, but seirous business platforms as adminstrativ enetworks and global office work?

And then telling me that I should not complain about Microsoft seriously reducing the performance value that I get in return for the financial investment I made? Are you a sales psychologist not caring for right and wrong who advises companies on how to get away with lousy product quality and deflect customers' justified criticism and complaints? The only focus on how to get away with it?

You can do yourself like you want, but when I see the return value of money I paid for broken stuff being sewriously degraded by the pruducer, I complain about it and warn of this company. You just ignore it and endlessly defend it. And by that make sure that they get away with it and see their customer-mocking policy working fine.

The hypocrisy is on your side. And fools like you who just swallow the BS Microsoft gives them, tell Microsoft that they must not do any better at all. Because there are so many fools accepting to not get better value.

Heck, the auto-repair site by Microsoft I have recommended to try out several months ago myself, you must not tell me. if things would be so perfect and simple like in your ideal corner of it, then things like the patching mess with Spectre 1+2 and Meltdown (both the lacking aiming in it and the lacking efficiency of it, while having hit performance of not all bnut quiote some new systems), the intel Microcode "updates" degrading quite some new system'S performance, and the general total lack of patch reliability in Micorsoft hurried-out untested stuff by Microsoft would not exist, Smarty. In the end you are just after trying to land cheap shots at me, like on other opportunities before. Do you even have any understanding about that practically every patch for W7, W8 and W10 last month once again was porked and faulty, once again driving IT departments into loads and loads of over-time hours? And the mess for the kost still is not fixed. And itds a mmess implemented by Microsoft patches. Malware-Patches that Microsoft still enforces on users - amnd dares to call a "service". But we shall not complaim about it? Business and companies should not as well?

And I do not even mention that the whole feature list and general design of Windows 10 is at least dubiou,s and highly questionable. I just aim at the de facto non-existing techncial reliability of it, and the patches meant to "fix" it. With every new branch of Windows 10, more and more useless, complicating, unwanted gimmicks must be left activated to not mess W10 stability up even further. That may not be of interest for unknowing and not caring private household owners. For business environments, that is somethign VERy diufferent and a thing of much bigger priority. Windows 10 is not just done badly, it also is bad by design, wanting to be evertyhing in one, and then much more. And that is what has shot oit down. W8 already was the preface to this, announcing the horror of the mess to come.

Dummkopf. Too bad I am no businessman myself, i could sell you just anything: broken, worthless stuff, and you never would hold me responsible for it and attack others who do. Customers like you are just the best. Even if I cause you damage, you would just accept it, not holding me liable. Would be paradise for me.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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