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Old 06-04-18, 09:07 PM   #10
Electrician's Mate
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Originally Posted by Morrissey View Post
So there I was quite happily playing the 2004 campaign (1.09) last night.
Woke up this morning and Steam downloads the latest update (1.15) and now I cannot get ANY campaign to work, screen goes blank either when, I start an new campaign and select a boat to command or if I go into a running campaign and click to load an autosave.......

Have just tried uninstalling and reinstalling via steam and get the same result.
I am sure you on you guys will have the answer.

2004 MOD is updated. This should solve your issues.

2004 Mod Update # 8: Date:06/04/2018

Resync'd for Update 1.15.
Replaced the SEAWOLF and VIRGINIA Models with the official SEAWOLF model released by Killerfish Games in 1.12.
Replaced the LOS ANGELES Flt II and LOS ANGELES Flt III models with the official models released by Killerfish Games in 1.12.
Reworked ULA and HAUK Models.
Added SEVERODVINSK (YASEN) Class to both NATO and RUSSIAN 2004 North Atlantic Campaigns using the official Killerfish model.
Cleanup of general campaign files, and general 1.15 sync.

As always, let me know of any problems encountered.

Sorry for the delay, Large programming projects in real life have limited my hobby time of late.
Salvo Regards,


Last edited by LTJGBeam; 06-04-18 at 11:25 PM.
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