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Old 05-28-18, 07:32 AM   #28
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Servile, I say.

But its not just Merkel. The whole idea of modern interpretation of democracy imo is a failed experiment. There is a reason why more and more literature gets published that put "democracy" itself into doubt. I know some of those books. Some of them are dynamite, and substantially robust in their thoughts and criticsm.

The problem is not the personnel, because the personnel is just the consequences of the system. The system itself is the problem. A state whose actors and institutions must not face competition and must not be object themselves to civil laws valid for every ordinary man or businessman. The breed of characters dominating in this system, is no surprise at all - its a logical consequences, based on a system that systematically sets the wrong incentives. You get people who reserve the right to put force on other people, and you get states that claim to possess (and milk) their citizens.

If it would not have been Merkel, it would have been somebody else like her.

"Wer von der Politik vernünftige Entscheidungen erwartet, hat nicht begriffen, daß der Wille zur Macht größer ist als alle Vernunft." - Roland Baader, economist, publicist, liberal thinker ("Those who expect reasonable decisions from politics have failed to realize that the will to power is greater than all reason.")

"Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann übrig als eine große Räuberbande?" - Augustinus of Hippo, Roman philosopher and theologican ("Take the law away from the state, what else is then left than a big band of robbers?")

"Wenn Plündern für eine Gruppe in der Gesellschaft zur Lebensart wird, schafft sie im Laufe der Zeit ein Rechtssystem, welches dies legalisiert, und einen Moralkodex, der es glorifiziert." - Claude-Frederic Bastiat, economist, poltiican.("When plunder becomes a way of life for a group in society, over time it creates a legal system that legalises it, and a moral code that glorifies it.")

"Jedermann kann öffentlich sein Interesse am Eigentum des anderen bekunden und diesem Verlangen nachgehen, vorausgesetzt er findet den Zugang zur Regierung. Daher wird in einer Demokratier jedermann zu einer Bedrohung. Konsequenterweise wird unter demokratischen Bedingungen das Begehren nach dem Eigentum anderer Leute systematisch gestärkt." - Hans-Hermann Hoppe, philosopher, critic of democracy ("Anyone can publicly express an interest in the other's property and pursue that desire, provided he finds access to the government. Therefore, in a democracy, everyone becomes a threat. Consequently, under democratic conditions, the desire for other people's property is systematically strengthened.")

What Hoppe says, is socialism. Thats why I - and in other places Hoppe as well - say that democracy always necessarily lead towards socialism.

If you want real liberty, you must abandon politics itself. Politics always are in themselves anti-liberty. The bigger a state, the fewer states there are - the bigger its inherent problems the less these problems can be monitored, tackled, solved, the more drastic and far reaching the consequences are of misled decisions of the decision makers at the top.

Thats in a nutshell the most profound reason why I am against organisations like the EU, UN, and other institutions on supra-state level. They breed totalitarianism, and socialism, they do so even more than single states. Necessarily, unavoidably.

In the end, nobody has the right to live his life at the cost and expense of somebody else. But this most profound principle gets violated all the time, and the violation gets glorified.

"Wer nicht verstehen will, daß die Besten ihre Länder längst wie gute Arbeitgeber aussuchen, den bestraft das Leben." - Gunnar Heinsohn, sociologist, economist, social philosopher ("Anyone who does not want to understand that the best have long since chosen their countries like they chose a good employer, will be punished by life.")
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-28-18 at 07:50 AM.
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