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Old 05-01-18, 06:18 PM   #1116
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Economically, isolationism does nto work well in a world where the US depends absolutely on foreign investors buyin g US bonds, where the dollar and other Fiat currecny regimes rule and are seen as vital of not getting their masks teared down, and globalised production chains and globalised economy. Also, much of America'S power is soft power, and an important share of that spoft power comes in form of IT dominance - which again works and unfolds globally only.

Military isolationism is linked to these economic interests, they need to be militarily defended.

The US imports more than it exports I think, like almost every major empire before, the centre is ever increasing its dependency not only on the controlled periphery, but even on that what lies behind that periphery, and the economical influx from there.

If isolation is America'S option, it cannot just move to, it needs preparation by redesigning the whole economical structure of the US. And that will take more time than just one or two legislation periods. It can be done, I think. But not as easily and quickly as many think, or the staff in the Donaldinarium desires. Plus it leaves the stage to hostile factions like China, Russia, the Islamic world - and the US it will be prone to them growing strong.

Its not as if the others stop pushing just because America maybe chooses to stop wanting to contain them. History teaches that empires cannot afford to not react to challenges on their peripheral borders or their central cultural, economical, social structures. Where they do, they start to decline, and finally fall apart.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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