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Old 04-18-18, 07:47 PM   #4580
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Originally Posted by Mr Quatro View Post
If polls represented the true thoughts of the American people then Hillary Clinton would be the President of the United States instead of Donald Trump

One look at any of the maps that go by county, shows why Donald Trump is and should be President. The country very clearly went red, and only certain cities went Blue. Hence the Electoral College and why we have it. This was a landslide of which we haven't seen in a good long time in this country. Boy was it fun flipping between Fox and the Cry Baby channels during that night. Easily the greatest night I've ever had in my entire life. I actually expected for The Cry Baby Networks to start committing suicide on air! Fox is far more reliable than any of the other "News" stations. Not that they are perfect.

And if the 2016 election showed anything, it's that people that believe in polls, or think polls should be used to determine how we run things, are not very honest. In fact, they are all bald faced liars, and the entire country sees them as such.