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Old 02-28-18, 08:16 PM   #171
Navy Seal
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I said it before the 2016 Election, I said it after the election, and I'm saying it again: for all the 2nd Amendment people who think Trump is going to be their Great Defender, if push comes to shove and Trump needs to save his political ass, he will throw the 2A under the bus:

President Trump keeps lawmakers guessing at gun meeting --



Just take the guns

Trump repeatedly suggested guns just be taken from citizens if officials felt they should, even if Americans had not violated any laws.

“The police saw that he was a problem, they didn’t take any guns away,” said Trump about the Parkland shooter. “Now that could have been policing, but they should have taken them away anyway, whether they had the right or not.”

Later in the meeting, Vice President Pence attempted to walk those comments back, explaining the process of how states could take steps to confiscate guns from dangerous individuals that would go through the courts and observe due process. He was interrupted by his boss.

“Or Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court,” Trump interjected. “That’s another system.”

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” the president added.

Gee, Donny, nice of you to actually come up with an actual idea, but, you know, there's that nagging little thing called the 2nd Amendment, not to mention a few other Amendments your idea violates...

And, to prove just how much Trump knows about the gun issue (or any other issue, for that matter), there's this gem:



Black market or local gun store

At the end of the meeting, Trump appeared to not understand that AR-15 assault rifles are widely available for purchase in retail stores. Feinstein closed by asking what the nation could do with “weapons of war.” Trump said it was a black-market issue.

“The problem, Dianne,” said Trump, “is that these aren’t where you walk into a store and buy them.”

“Oh no,” replied Feinstein. “You can go into a store and you can buy an AR-15.”

“You can,” repeated Trump.

“You can buy a TEC-9, you can buy all these weapons,” said Feinstein.

Trump then said it was an issue to be solved by Manchin, Toomey and the rest of the group when they wrote the bill.

When Dianne Feinstein knows more about guns that you do, you're pretty pathetic...

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Last edited by vienna; 03-01-18 at 04:58 PM.
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