Thread: [REL] Depth Charge noise mod
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Old 02-27-18, 11:02 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by schlechter pfennig View Post
  • an initial disturbance of loud noise rendering both active (ASDIC) and passive (hydrophones) unusable. This lasts for just about a minute, and can provide an opportunity, if the situation permits, for you to sprint off in a short burst without being detected.
  • a lingering effect whereby passive (hydrophones) still have difficulty hearing you, but active (ASDIC) can now ping and detect you. This lasts for about 5 minutes, and can attract the attention of escorts, and often trick them into thinking they have reacquired contact.
Hi, thanks for the mod. I tested it in 20 min with NYGM and the test 'hunted' mission. I tested it with god eye mode, however maybe it's failing for me.

As soon as the mission started I flank, then I go to periscope depth. Then they pinged me and I go down to 200m depth. I wait the firsts charges and when they drop them in the water, I turn left or right at flank speed. 10 seconds later I go back to 0 knots, 30 RPM. Then the deep charges explode, and instantly they start to ping me.

I tried the same like 10 times, and they always ping me as soon the depth charges end their explosion... I don't have that minute to move freely, even at 0 knots.
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