Thread: Dreams
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Old 01-23-18, 09:13 AM   #5
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Keep it as your precious. People with near-death-experiences often say they benefit from them for the rest of their lives since then. Such dreams as you described one are very rare, but once or twice in a life somebody has them. Floating/flying/levitating often is part of the experience, also perceived all-knowledge. I do not know whether there is more in them than just being dreams, but I know that I hope they point at something that is beyond our usual horizon of life and empirical knowledge alone. I do not believe in deities, but I hope there is something in it all that sometimes gets called the devine sparkle inside everything, or as Buddhist would say: everything has Buddha-nature. And who knows, maybe, if we are lucky, it sometimes steps behind us and tips us on our shoulder, with an unbelievably light touch.

Almost half my life ago I had such an overwhelming dream myself, too. It is beyond description, the experience was intense and words cannot catch it, the focus point was the experience of me not moving inside the unmoving universe, but myself being the unmoved fixpoint and all universe moving around me instead. I never could forgot it. I gained quite some courage from it, too.

We cannot say whether it is just a dream, or something else, because in the end we do not know whether man is just man, a life bound to flesh and bones and neural activity and thats it, or whether we are expression of something that is bigger than just our individual self.

But these metaphysical speculations - thats what they necessarily always will be - do not change the fact that we nevertheless must live our lives in a comparable way like a quantum physicist plays pool nevertheless according to the laws of Newtonian physics.
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