Thread: [WIP] Type IX for sh5
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Old 12-26-17, 06:38 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Mkii, can you please upload latest compilation of your files together with the list of remaining problems? I could try to fix some of them if possible...

Didn't have much time to dive deep into your files since last time but hopefully I'll be able to do so during the holidays.
Been working on a backup plan while jeff has been looking at the files, just in case the issues with the torps and crew cannot be sorted.

basically I am using the 7a, the first version broke the torpedo page again, but the crew was ok. so today I had an experiment day, change 1 file, load into mission, check the torps and crew, if they were ok, move onto the next file, etc etc

1... change sim for extra rear tube, reserves, and external reserves,
alter speeds and ranges, and displacement values. Result....all ok.

2 change cfg file, extra salvo position 5+6, change sub dimensions
Result......All ok

3 altered roster german sub VIIA date to cover whole of war. Result all ok

4 Altered upcge file in sub folder to reflect date covering whole of war
Result all ok

that is as far as I have got with the testing.

the new uzo station works, the mousemask is fine and when you click on it
it takes you to the uzo page.....quite pleased with that

the compass dial and telegraph needle are causing problems, in gr2 editor they are fine, in game they are behind the conning tower floating in thin air......I think this is the original mesh extended data, I did not alter it, I think I should have zeroed out the x,y,z before importing the new meshes and then reposiioned them, got to try this yet.

the final 3d problem is crap, the external tower hatch, when repositioned and rotated, is good until you close it, it then appears upside down in front of the tower. because gr2 editor cannot touch animation,
I seem to have 2 choices

1....Move all the rooms, this could be really easy, or really really a lot of work.
2 import the hull foreward, and lower than its current world position, and hopefully compensate the positional change wth the draft and f+r ratio in the sim......A LOT LESS WORK, but I have no idea if it will work or not.

So for now I`m afraid there is nothing for you to do.

the 7A has only 1 deck flak gun, and 1 conning tower, this works.
adding another tower option with flak guns may not work without breaking something,
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