Thread: noob questions
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Old 12-26-17, 12:43 PM   #11
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To see the contact's detection range, you have to click on the contact while in the map screen. So when your deck crew calls out a contact, go to map screen. Click on the "box' or the outline of the ship if you are zoomed in that far. You should then see some rings and a cone (or two) around the contact marker on the map. These are the detection ranges for the particular ship.

Some destroyers later in game have radar which will be the farthest outer ring. The next ring will be visual spotting range, after that you will see a ring with a cone taken out of the back, this is the (passive) sonar range. The cone going out of the front is the ASDIC detection range.

Be advised, there are some mods that remove these, and weather or not they show up is also dependent on your zoom level in map.

- Hope that answered your question.

*Edited for grammatical errors.
I can't tell if I have found a rope or lost my horse.
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