Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 12-20-17, 10:44 PM   #5607
Gewehr 43
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Manually copying in the save files that were misbehaving was simply a troubleshooting step. I work with computers every day, and I've seen rare instances where getting an app to load something successfully will let it sort itself out, for lack of better term. I didn't have high hopes, but it was worth a shot anyway. I've since deleted all save files and have started anew.

I am able to save/load successfully for the time being. I am seeing more random CTDs than I was before. In the USS Bang out of Brisbane, Jan '44, off the east coast of Luzon, I came across a convoy. I saved regularly and I'm glad I did, because it crashed 2 separate times during the battle in which I was ultimately DC'ed to bits.

The strangest thing is that now my time compression seems to be absolutely maxed out at 2048. Any idea what to do about that? It's livable, but transiting the Pacific is a long hike.

Also, I've seen a couple oddities on this patrol, just by way of bug reports for the devs.

1. Manual targeting off. I've seen a couple of stopped ships (after I've torpedoed them) that the TDC still shows them traveling at some speed. I cannot move the speed setting manually, so I effectively can't shoot at it with torpedoes because they just flit off to shangri-la.

2. That same ship - a tanker of some variety - never actually registered as a target as I swung by it with the scope. With manual targeting off, swinging past a nearby ship (<1000y) typically auto-populates the ship ID, AoB, etc. This one didn't. It would if I locked the scope, but would not otherwise. It's almost like this ship didn't spawn in quite correctly or completely. When I ran the external camera up near it, its sound was stuttering too. Perhaps this contributed to some of the CTD issues? This was on the Bang patrol as described above.

3. I'm seeing that most of my random CTDs come around aircraft. I've had 3-4 CTDs after diving to avoid aircraft. This has happened on and off before and after my save game issue. I'll detect the aircraft with plenty of time to spare, dive, get to my depth, cruise along for just a little bit, then I'm dumped to the desktop. On the Bang convoy attack, I had a CTD just seconds after I got the "aircraft spotted" call. I was at PD, so I didn't take any immediate action, but was just tracking the convoy, then got dumped.

Anyway, still enjoying the mod. Just hoping to help with bug reports.
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