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Old 12-03-17, 08:51 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by GravityWave View Post
I would also really like to see an update that at least addresses the graphics 4:3 scaling - maybe open source (Vulcan or OpenGL). The mechanics seem to be already there. I'm coming back to DW waiting to see how CW evolves some more. CW's got the graphics and AI but is a different style. It's more game than simulator. With that said, CW is a lot of fun. DW is more challenging and deeper. Just ugly as sin these days. I'd be thrilled just to see a cosmetic update. I'm a customer for an upgrade. The Sonanalyst web site suggests more of a space simulator under development, though still involved with USN on interfaces.
Something you could try with DW and SC is to crank up your screen resolution.

In some (most?) modern OS you can't change the display settings in-game BUT you can change them if you edit your dangerouswaters.ini file.

Go to your dangerouswaters.ini file and find the .ModeID entry under [GRAPHICS].
The default setting is 1 (800 X 600). Change the 1 to a 2 for 1024 X 768 or change the 1 to a 3 for 1280 X 1024.
You can do the same thing with Sub Command by editing its .ini file.

We're still stuck with the 4:3 aspect ratio but the higher settings (especially 1280 X 1024) look "good enough" on a large monitor.

In terms of graphics engines, I think we need to be careful what we wish for.
Sonalyst could pull a "Sorry, the new game ONLY runs in Win10, 64 bit" and that might alienate a lot of gamers who prefer an older OS.
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