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Old 11-18-17, 09:22 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by XenonSurf View Post
Yes I have. What you see is a suddenly apprearing torpedo heading towards you. A quiet running diesel sub can easily get a TMA solution on you when you see nothing on the map, especially when you are heading in the wrong direction for your sonar to detect him.
Other higher-value subs like Victors, Sierra etc. are currently easier to detect.

Anti-sub patrols are the most difficult in CW currently. You need the right tactic, or you go to bottom fast...
One error not to do is e.g. when you have the advantage being in the baffles of an enemy sub, then don't increase too much speed to catch up, because you won't see the torpedos fired at you until it's too late. I got sunk several times by doing so, not taking it seriously enough.
AI doesn't actually do countershot right now so you're pretty safe torpedoing someone as soon as you make them. Sometimes I even launch one speculatively as it makes the subs bolt.

That is, as soon as they get TIW you get your get out of jail free card.
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