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Old 10-08-17, 09:42 AM   #697
Navy Seal
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The GW Bush Trump analogy is a valid point; both came from privileged, wealthy backgrounds, both had daddy's money to help bail them out of their difficulties, both were involved in a series of failed or failing business activities, both were less than stellar students, one, GWB, had a questionable and, by most accounts, unfinished military stint in an Air Guard unit the Guard itself self-described as a haven for the wealthy and influential to evade the regular draft and possible deployment to Vietnam, and the other, Trump, used his family connections to finagle a draft deferment for a 'sore foot' to evade service, and both never really worked a real job or real wages in their lives. Say what you will about Bill Clinton and Obama, they were both men who came from humble backgrounds and, by their own academic efforts, were able to be successful; and you can add to the mix Ronald Regan, who also came from humble beginnings and worked hard to achieve his goals. With both Bushes, and now Trump, there is we have had a sporadic run of Presidents from wealth who have or are being proven as being much less than effective at the task of President than those who did not come from privilege...

NB: I am not including GHW Bush in my critique of GWB and DT and their lack of or lacking in military service: GHW Bush served honorably and bravely and deserves proper respect for his service...

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