Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 10-05-17, 11:10 AM   #5356
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
My first mission out of Midway was to the Marshall Islands and await further orders, so I'm just now arriving there. Been playing pop-uppenDown with the airplanes in the area. I'm just South of Kwajalein, and Crash Dived for about the 8th time this day, and it's not quite 1330 Pearl time... - I'm over a day's journey from my "rendezvous" for further instructions, so I'll probably be after 1100 hours EDST tomorrow ( ) before I get back to this, and then head on over toward the East China Sea, and shoot at something in the Philippine Sea, if not before... I've only found one vessel thus far, and it was anchored in very shallow water, too far to shoot at safely and get away from these pesky flyboys... What I wanna know, is who put all these planes in here?...

Little side note (aka: tidbit of information) for FotRSU playing... RR uses like a 6nm circle for his popuppendown game, but I've started using a 10.2nm circle, so that I'm under and not seen by the buggabooze, and then I come up after 20, and can usually get about another 30 in on the surface... makes for a long day, but I haven't been seen yet... at least, I don't ~think~ I have... no bomb drops, no little sub chasers yet knock-on-wood... Good night!

Edit: 1015 hours next day... OK, mark bonamer, while I haven't made it to the Philippine Sea yet, I am Northeast of Truk on my way from the Marshalls, traveling on about a 290 course, and now have 2 small merchants to my credit, both sunk with a single stern tube shot... Now, if I needed them to sink with one shot, they would not have gone down... anyway, for both of them, I did do a quick turn, aimed and shot with the bow tubes. Only on the first one did I still have a valid "target", but it got the "She's going down sir!" about 2 flashes after I shot the torp. The 2nd one gave me the "She's going down sir!" probably within 30 seconds of hitting it with the stern torp, but it did stay up long enough to get turned and shoot at it with #1. In both cases, the bow torp shots did hit their respective targets, with one exploding, and one a dud. No CTD. Both of these ships though were 'regular' merchants. A small composite and a small split superstructure, no tanker, nothing over 5k tons... I'll keep trying as I travel West-Northwest
Expect a large convoy with 2 escorts if you start heading south west .. I killed and sank them all
Captain AJ

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