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Old 10-03-17, 01:40 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
But I read just yesterday that you have three official languages in Catalonia: Spanish, Catalonian, and Aranese (?), and that Catalonian language is allowed and speak and used publicly at will by the people? Also, that yoiu have quite some far-reaching autonomy rights already, your own police, and self-administration on many - though not all - levels. Also, that it is like this, or comparable to this, in the other autonomous regions of Galicia, Navarra and Basque territory. How is it then, what are these region's actual status?


And maybe not reaching as far back as to Franco. If I would always reach back as far as to Hitler, then I would be unable to see that Jews again do live in Germany and that Germany today is not the Third Reich of the past. I mean I expect the present Spain to be a little bit different than that Spain of Franco's reign, or not? Did four and half decades make no difference? I actually have quite a positive image of Spain today. But then, I was never there (not counting a hunting railtrip from France to the street of Gibraltar over 25 years ago to take a ferry to Marocco, it was all an incredible non-stop hurry and I did not really leave the train....). My father's orchestra once was guest at some Barcelona festival in the late 80s, he was plenty much mightily impressed by city, people, friendly manners and the order everywhere.
We do not have to go back to such distant times. Teaching in Catalan was allowed in the 1980s. Yes, the Aranese language is promoted and protected by the Catalan Government. It comes from the Occitan language. Like Catalan, his teaching was also prohibited. Related to our own Police, Catalans are proud of them this days. Spanish Government wanted to act as repressive police, but instead they defended the citizens. Some of them were also assaulted by the Spanish police. Now the Madrid press calls for the removal of the Chief of the Mossos (Catalan police), Major Trapero. At the beginning of the crisis they wanted to replace it by a Falangist (The Falange is the blue shirts party, similar in concept to the SA of Germany in the 1930s, but with the difference that they have reached the 21st century. In their early days, they helped Hitler to invade the USSR forming part of the Blue Division (División Azul). Its political ideology has not changed since then. The autonomous regions have different levels of autonomy. The best are Euskadi (Basque territory) and Navarra. In this territories they collect their own taxes and then pay Spain its share, after covering their own needs. In Catalonia is different: first we pay Madrid and we must wait until they pay us what they owe us, which usually does not happen. All attempts to achieve an agreement such as that of the Basques have been systematically rejected. I'm glad you liked Spain. It is perfect for anyone who is not Catalan. Best regards
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