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Old 09-26-17, 10:14 AM   #7190
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
In Europe, it is easy.
1. The people finance and build the infrastructure, like rails, streets, powergrid, telecommunication.
(It then theoretically belongs to the "state", the people.)
2. Lobby and influence on politics have it that those accomplishments are then being sold by the state, to private companies, often for a penny.
3. The private companies use what is there for profit, while doing no upgrading, repairing, and not any maintenance.
4. All decays, until it is almost unusable anymore, companies are beginning to suffer because their bosses took out the money and left.
5. Now the companies and banks are crying for funding and being bailed out.
6. Now is the time for the state to get it all back from private hands, and repair/improve/upgrade all that has been neglected so long to fill the pockets of a few.
7. What happens in 6. is financed by – you knew it – the people.

And so on, starting from new.
British rail anyone? Seen the film "Navigators" ?

The joke is that while all cry how good capitalism is and works, the real backbone of infrastructure and real estate is built and financed by common people without money, so that a few can live on their back.
Communism does not work, but it is time to see what capitalism does to the people in the long run.
You mistake - once again - capitalism for monopolism. And that trend for monopolies you unfortunatekly have in just every form of society, goivernment, trading relations. Like the living being has an inbuild tendency to become old and ill and one day will die, it and nevertheless tries to fight against illness and thwe weakneing by age, we must also fight against monopolism. Its integral to ideologies as well as capitalism, and lives by the quality in man that we call greed. The remedies to counter it with, to keep it in check, are transpareny, an educating and training to freedom and self-responsibility. Only when people reject to hanhd over respoinsiubility for thmeselkves to others, they become invulnerable to these others' attempts to bribe them with luxury and promised easings of their lives. Transparency, freedom, self-responsibility - that is what is needed to fight against monopolies. And that means a population where peopel ahve a mindset of certain quality that today, in our nanny states and - in the end - socialist definitions of standards and social rules, have become extremely rare.

It starts with refusing to obediently believe that freedom can be given to you by somebody else. He cannot give you freedom, he can only forcefully take and keep freedom away from you. But if you then accept that and do not fight against this other guy, even support him, then what use is there in trying and hoping for a better world?

Servility is a pest. Freedom has its own pride, but we learn from schooldays on to defame it, to demonise it, to ridicule it, to spit on it.

Much of your criticsm I would sign in to, if only you would finally see that what you want to aim at, is not capitalism, but monopolism. The whole world seem to mistake these two today.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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