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Old 09-25-17, 11:31 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Red Alert... Red Alert...

I hope you now what you are doing. I did and do such things only from an ultra-tighted machine, especially stock account management and banking. Windows 7 is NOT SAFE anymore. Microsoft has reverse-installed plenty of telemetry and spyware from W10 into W7, and hid that behind misleading patch descriptions or rightout lies, and I assume you did your updates for W7 frequently? If not, your machine by now is a malware paradise. Also for bugs that ordinary scanners would not get triggered by.

In W10, every keytroke gets overwatched and phoned home to Mother. If this ind of telemetry also was put into W7, then every time you log into your accounts for banking and sticks, Micosoft reads your account names and passwords.

Do. Never. Use. Windows/Apple/Google. For. Money. Stuff.

If I ever go back to stocks buying, I would do it via a separated device and virtual network, TOR or something.
i have updates disabled and even had to uninstall some updates that auto loaded anyway which was causing problems.

i noticed a pattern with microsoft doing nefarious things after they stop supporting an older OS then "suddenly" there are "new" updates several months later and the OS stops working as well. im sure they were disabling things trying to break the OS to slow it down and cause glitches so you buy their new OS.

im as careful as i can be about it
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