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Old 09-19-17, 10:30 AM   #10
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One must not like it, catfish, I do not "like" such acting either. And boasting with killing is not my thing, too. But that is how combat spirit is kept alive. The warrior must be kept in an angry, gloomy mood, and he must get any kind of recognition for his mastering of the war-art. A fop of good manners that is gentle to everybody and is loved by every mother-in-law - is not a well-qualified candidate in most exmaples, i woudl assume.

We must not like it. But: determination would be good enough anyway, would be fully sufficient. And see the other side as well: many tanker and trader crews that were taken hostage for months, went through hell, were heavily traumatized, were mistreated, held in fear, psychologically crushed, were kept low on food and water, got intimatded by threatening them with execution. Thats why I say: all MGs, hammer away. Victims rank over perpetrators for me, unconditionally.

What I cannot let go through is if some people sometimes say that if we defend by acting like "they" do, with armed force that is, then we are not better than them. That relativization is often made today, and it is unforgivable, for it declares the victim of crime as equal to the perpetrator, it gives more value to the criminal than he deserves. They are not eqaul, the criminal is the criminal and the victim is his victim. If victim defends itself against crime, this does not pull it down to the cirminal's moral level. It in fact displays the struggle to remain something better than the crimninal, or a servile, passive victim.

Resistence is what shows that the criminal is so much less than his victim.

And the best crime prevention is if the criminal learns that he has all good reasons indeed to be afraid of his intended victims. So make him afraid - by threat and deed.
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