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Old 09-16-17, 07:10 PM   #13
Rockin Robbins
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Before 1900 Florida was the world's greatest producer of pineapples. However the climate grew too cold to grow pineapples and today Florida produces almost none of them. Royal Palm trees grew all the way north of Jacksonville, however in the past 50 years cooling temperatures have restricted their range to south of Cocoa Beach, about halfway down the peninsula. Oranges? Same story. I live in an orange grove that can't produce oranges in the cooler climate.

Hurricanes between 1900 and 1920 were more severe than they are today, with one hurricane in, I think, 1926 actually removing a train from railroad tracks in south Florida. Nothing close to that has happened since, excepting maybe Andrew in 1992. Speaking of that, hurricanes have not approached the intensity of Andrew in the past 25 years.

It's a fact that temperature monitoring locations used to be out in the country, but now are nestled in the concrete jungle heat sinks of metropolitan areas, feeding us bogus information. And its a fact that politics has poisoned science to the extent that we can trust it no more. Those who are politically damned get no research money, those making preposterous cataclysmic theories attract the money, which comes from politically charged organizations. Even in astronomy, Harlton Arp was denied observing time at American observatories and had to leave for Europe to continue his research into peculiar galaxies and the physical connections between quasars and galaxies, which were theorized to be billions of light years apart. Henrietta Leavitt was denied credit for her work establishing the period luminosity relationship of Cepheid variable stars and the use of them to establish the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy for political and sexist reasons. Just following the money tells you what the results of their "scientific" findings will be. Science is bought and paid for by politics.

Now we'll get the political organizations to follow the science they paid for and commit billions of dollars to follow pathways of foolishness, electric cars that burn three gallons of fuel at the electric power plant to get the equivalent of one gallon of energy to the car, encouraging people to save electricity so they can pay twice as much for 750KwH as they used to for 3000KwH. Conserve so we can charge you more and it's pure profit!

We are being played for fools and we have indeed fulfilled their hopes that we would be foolish. The more we kowtow to the gods of conservation the more we will be punished for doing so.

Last edited by Rockin Robbins; 09-16-17 at 07:20 PM.
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