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Old 08-29-17, 05:53 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Good stuff! Isn't it awesome when you get that great shot off on a warship coming to sink you! It's old west for sure, someone is gonna die, who is it gonna be?
A damn site better than the old days in SH5 when you could pretty much sink whatever you wanted until you got totally bored and threw the disc in the junk drawer as I did for the past 4 years.
So what do you guys think about thermal layer modeling? Is it in the game? I have to agree that so far getting below 100 meters, and going silent or all stop has been the best method I have found. I mentioned the decoys because in the encounter with the escorted convoy outside Bergen I actually used the Lot of my decoy inventory to escape. As I mentioned, it was literally by the hair of my chin. On that particular day every escort in the group had ASDIC. I was uncertain of my yet fully trained crew's ability depth wise, so I proceeded deeper with caution, but with death raining from above, and waiting below the choices were few.
Anyone have an idea on decoy run time as well?
I have to agree with Jonass, it does seem the destroyers are a little "too good" sometimes. I just chalk this up to the tweaking of the AI to get as much realism as possible. It's likely given the game parameters that this was the best that could be done. As for escaping DD's I used the depth charge evasion script supplied in your TWoS Script package twice, on the final attempt after several grueling hours of hiding and running I was able to get enough distance, and depth to lose them. They continued searching for yet another hour or so, and I ran silent when I could and All Stop when they were close. They even pinged around me a couple of times, but apparently weren't close enough to smell me, or the thermal layer was throwing them off? Not sure.
Rolf Weare, U-51

Last edited by Rwearjr; 08-29-17 at 06:13 PM.
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