Thread: [WIP] Lighthouses mod
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Old 08-20-17, 12:31 PM   #11
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by gap View Post
Talking about our mod, I think the highest and most powerful lighthouses emit a light signal that, at best visibility conditions, can be seen as far as 60 km away from their source. I wish our mod to reflect those nominal ranges, but I am afraid that setting in-game rendering/atmosphere radius to 60 km, will be beyond the possibilies of the game engine and of our poor machines.
I am wondering what could be a good alternative. Scaling down the ranges by a factor 4-5 maybe, so that the longest ranged lights will be visible from a distance of 15-12 km, and shorter lights as La Plate will be visible within a radius of only 4-5 km? what do you think?
@ Kendras

I have noticed that Hitman had created a 20-km environment mod, but unfortunately the link is down

I have also seen that you had a 30-km environment mod planned. Did you make any progress with it?

A set of optional long-range environment mods especially developped for this mod would be a cool addition to it, but I am afraid their settings are a bit tricky

Originally Posted by MLF View Post
The range of La Plate is 8 Miles (13km) - modern chart in screenshot shows characteristic as:
A group of 9 very quick flashes over a 10 second period, 19m high (as you said gap) with a range of 8 Miles (13km)
I have followed an empirical method in order to calculate (more or less) the equivalent range of 8 miles in the SHIII world.

What I have done, is plotting that 8-nm range on a nautical chart. Radius length on map was calculated based on the length of one degree of latitude/longitude at Raz de Sein's latitude. There are many on-line calculators that you can get this data from; I used the one below:

The next step was squeezing the nautical chart I was drawing on, so that one minute of latitude was as long as one minute of longitude (as in the SH world). After doing that, La Plate's circular range became an ellipse.

I then measured the length of major and minor axes of this ellipse (real range), and I calculated the radius of the best-fitting SHIII range as the square root of the square of ellipse's semimajor axis plus the square of ellipse's semiminor axis. This is the result after drawing the SHIII radius on map:


Red ellipse - 'squeezed' real radius
Yellow circle - SHIII radius (calculated for maximizing overlapping over non-overlapping areas)
Orange area - overlapping area between the two ranges

At this point, knowing that in SHIII one minute of latitude/longitude is always equal to 2 km, calculating the desired in-game radius was a simple math. My result is 15,107 metres, with an ecceptable margin of error caused by the approximations used

Originally Posted by MLF View Post
Link to abbreviations and symbols - still searching for 1940's era symbols.
Still looking forward to them
|May the Force be with you!|
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