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Old 08-10-17, 02:51 PM   #1
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Default Question for THEBERBSTER about auto TDC tutorial.


Thanks for all the great tutorials they have really helped me out.
I have a question about the following Auto TDC tutorial if you don't mind. I have not had a chance to try this yet so this may be a silly question. I can't stand the 3 circle method so I really want to understand this an hope to try it out tonight.

On Picture 10 you say>
I have drawn out the targets course on the TAI Map and positioned the U-Boat at 90ᴼ by using the protractor.
Question: Is this necessary or did you do that for illustration purposes? I'm wondering if one could guesstimate the course and angle and just be close to 90 degrees with this method? Not that I won't draw it out as well I'm just wondering if this is mandatory for the auto tdc to find the correct tsl?

On this picture:
Picture 16 > Final check with the Space Bar unlocked.

Question: If I'm understanding correctly you unlock the space bar on the TAI map which will show the correct solution then fire from the periscope while the target is still locked on the scope?

If I understand this method correctly: Lock target on periscope, open TAI map lock target. At this point the TSL will be incorrect for moving targets. Next unlock target on TAI and the TSL will change to the correct solution for moving targets. Minimize TAI and Fire from periscope while target is still locked on scope but remains unlocked on TAI. Is this correct?

Thanks so much!
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