Thread: [REL] Playable Russian Subs
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Old 08-03-17, 08:18 AM   #226
Machinist's Mate
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Captain this is a great mod and I thank you for it. As someone who has for other games done a ton of modding and campaign/mission development, offering you a small bit of advice to resist burnout.

1. Totally recommend that you spread the work out among a team. This is obviously THE definitive compilation mod for Cold Waters, especially with daily PR from Jive turkey, and I can imaging the sheer volume of incoming stuff that needs review is getting overwhelming.

2. Github or some other type of a system for version controlling your changes to the files and a good freeware program for finding differences in text files. These will save you so much headache - I can easily imaging the frustration tracking down the blank screen crash bug in the campaigns without these sorts of a tools. Been there, done that.

3. Outside of major bug fixes/rollbacks, draw up a basic release schedule like once a month for new content that gives you time to decompress in between and ENJOY the game you're helping build. I say build because even though you're not an official dev, I'd bet you money that the Cold Waters devs are using your mod to gauge/design their own official future content development.

(update: I see goldfish beat me to a couple of these recommendations, right on!)

Good work sir. don't let the burnout get you!
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