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Old 07-17-17, 11:32 AM   #6929
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When I said months ago I support and wish the best for the British Brexit and the UK, I was basing on the assumption that the British side would act with determination, swiftness and, most importantly, competence. What I had to take note of instead in the months between the referendum and the present, is a calamity of self-deconstruction, reality denial, and anything but determination. Its a disaster, and I think the Brexit will become a soft/non-Brexit and the path from today to then will be a self-tormenting road of pains and mockery. I would not have believed that the British government could run it so ill-prepared, reality-denying and incompetent, like it does. Naive, and incompetently.

This is the worst way it could have gone so far.

I still have strong sympathy for the idea of Brexit, and wish the UK the best, but I expect the worst now. There are not many encouraging reasons left. Or are there any left at all?

Maybe it is wanted, to torpedo the Brexit vote this way while avoiding criticism of the kind of "You ignored the referendum!" ...?"

Or maybe I just have no clue of the internal rules and ways of British politics. As a foreign observer I nevertheless must say: what I have seen from the UK since the referendum, does not make sense. None at all. I start to think that those wanting to have the referendum getting ignored, will get their way. The question being negotiated now is how to make that non-Brexit happening without getting called out for it.

It was always clear that the EU would not forgive that narcissistic wound cut by the British people. They took their right for freedom, and that is not what a feudal aristocracy forgives. It was clear that the EU would therefore want to create a deterring precedence so that no other EU peasantse ever would dare - would even be capable to imagine - to reject the EU again. Thus it also was clear - at least to me - that Brexit would need to include the will to be determined and to accept inital disadvantages while needing to reorientate/restructure the economy so that Britain could survive economically, as a nation, in a post-EU time, and to sustain the determination to strictly and unwaveringly reject the EU market access. I expected determination. What I see instead so far, is an ungoing process of self-dissolving, and a creeping erosion of the meaning and substance of what "Brexit" necessarily must mean.

If you seek rumble with the Kraken, be prepared to deal with more than just one pair of hostile hands. It becomes more and more obvious that the UK is unbelievably ill-prepared - and still denies realities.

Things run the worst way they could run for the UK so far. No betterment in sight. Blind chicken running around in Downing Street 10. Disasterous. Dear Brits, if this is you idea of how to manage Brexit, you better surrender yesterday.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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