Thread: [TEC] RADAR
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Old 06-16-17, 03:54 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by aanker View Post
Does it have a radar mast that is visible in the model but does nothing? Is it listed in the *.sns file for the IJN AI subs? If not, I wonder what would happen if you edited radar into the IJN AI subs *.sns file like this:

[Sensor 5] <<---- or whatever number is listed or not used in the IJN AI subs *.sns file .

I haven't seen radar equipment on a Sampan of Fishing boat yet the *.sns radar entry gives them an alert beyond the 5 nm visual range alert... probably 8 - 10 nm?? (I haven't studied Jap radar distances)

This is way beyond my knowledge of the SH4 files, sorry.

It's worth a try.

Maybe give the lookouts on the IJN AI subs the power the IJN DD's etc have that spot you at 9,000 yards plus... lol

A bit beyond my current knowledge as well, why am asking lol.

Definitely don't want to up their visuals to the ridiculous levels RSRD has by default lol(run a mod to tone them down to reasonable levels). The whole idea is I can't get subs to show up on radar for some reason like other ships which is fine subs were tough to get on radar sets of the day. Batfish in Feb 45 would gain contact and lose it and regain. Relatively small ships sitting low in water and all.

There are no visible antennas.

Batfish sunk 3 subs in 3 days in Feb 45, two contacts were made first due to japanese sub's radar emissions, which Batfish closed in on then established radar contact. My thinking is give them radar in the sim in later years, help player close in. With my radar mod, they won't pick you up on surface until youre pretty close unless showing them your broadsides. My radar mod for enemy surface ships solves this.)

My two goals for ijn subs is to equip with radar and make them show up on SJ radar as well.
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